The Start, how we didn't end up in one big heap at the
first corner is a mystery to us all. Left Row: Andy Pope, Tom Middelton,
Terry Redinger, Chris Ford.
Right Row: Guy DuHamel, Louis Ott, Guest, Dan Golich |
Not sure who is in this shot but shows the home straight
and flat out corner followed by very tight double turn. |
Terry Redinger in car #16 and Andy Pope in car #4 (Car #4
was killed by its driver and had to be replaced). |
Louis Ott in Car #6 wishing he had some of that 311Hp to
hand. |
Someone ???? trying hard |
Another PIC of the course |
Most laps completed (someone tampered with the governor
????) |
Winners Louis and Steve Ott |
From left to right: Adam Birnbaum, Chris Ford, Rob Fossett,
Dan Golich, Guest, Guest, Diane Redinger, Terry Redinger |