928 Links
Where would we be without the help
of the :
- 928
International (in Anaheim, CA) near LA

- 928 Specialists (in
Kennesaw, GA)

- DEVEK (in Belmont, CA) near
San Francisco
Local Shops
Paul Weir (downtown Seattle) - Known for 911s but has done some
928 work

- Fordahl
Motorsports (Bellevue) - Again mostly work on 911s but supposedly can
align 928s

- Autowerks Northwest (Leifs Shop in Woodinville) -
Apparently very good with 928s
- FAT City (downtown Seattle) - Don't know anything
about these guys yet.
This is a list in progress. Please let me know if you have used
any of the above (or any others). I will compile any comments on a
separate page for future reference. midlman@seanet.com