Who are we?The Pacific Northwest 928 (PacNW928) Owner's Group is a collection of Porsche 928 owners who reside (mostly) in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Members are primarily from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia but all of our events are informal and all 928 owners are welcome to participate. PacNW928 is NOT a formal club. There are NO officers, NO dues and NO formal membership. The members communicate primarily through the PacNW928 mailing list (there's a membership form at the bottom of this page). |
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We participate in many events
organized by other organizations (often paying extra attention to showing
off the Porsche 928). In addition, members of our group have organized
many events of our own. Events are organized by whoever "steps up to
the plate". Events are proposed by someone and if enough others are
interested the event is organized on a "break even" basis.
Come join us in our enjoyment of what we feel is arguably one of the best Grand Touring, High Performance cars ever produced: The Porsche 928 |
Here's what our "founders" Adam Birnbaum and Tom Middleton had to say about how the PacNW928 group got started:
Adam states: As far as how Pac NW started, I don't know that you'll get a single answer to that question. I do know a small band of us were communicating through Rennlist.
My first recollection was that my timing belt light came on while on I-5 during my first couple weeks of ownership, I limped the car to Larson Porsche, and noticed a gold S4 up on the lift. I posted it to the list and asked if it was anybody's, Ray Henson replied.
That blew me away. I remember that I started to keep track of all those Rennlist posters that were from the Pac NW area. At some point there were enough of us, maybe a dozen or so, that were active on Rennlist, and somebody thought we should try to get together, I think Terry Redinger might have been the first to pitch the idea. I thought a Kart race would be a cool venue; it's competitive, and yet wouldn't be perceived as abusive to the cars in any way.
In October of 1999, Owner Showdown I took place, and although the group was small, (less than a dozen of us), the enthusiasm was amazing. These guys were hardcore. I couldn't believe that someone (Chris Ford) would drive 10 hours roundtrip for something like this. That alone set a high standard for commitment to the group.
When I converse with owner's in other regions, I hear a lot about how people are busy, and that they won't drive more than a couple hours. It's funny to me now, as some of us locals don't even blink at the 14 hour drive to Devek, and how our group makes the 5 hour trip between Spokane and Seattle (some more than others) without even thinking about it. Those other regions are really missing out, but they'll come around sooner or later.
From O/S I [Owner Showdown I] things started to snowball. That first event showed me that the majority of the group was a lot like me, very performance oriented and wanting to take an active part in understanding and improving the 928. After that first event, I think Tom really went to task to start recruiting and I believe it was about that time that he raided the 928 Registry and started soliciting all the Pac NW owners listed.
Chris F. was nice enough to put the pics of the group event at his site. The people in the group were saying that they didn't want to wait another year for O/S II, so I set up Dyno Day I for the following February. While a Dyno run now is a walk in the park, at Dyno Day I it was THE first time for everybody. Nobody knew what to expect, and everyone was nervous. It was great time though, and we all learned a lot from the experience.
Again Chris made the drive in from Spokane, and Oscar Munoz also made a 5 hour trip from Salem. I was truly amazed by the commitment of these guys, along with the Portland contingent, to come out and deal with poor road conditions to take a chance of blowing up their 928's on a dyno. Another great time, with more new faces.
At Dyno I, talk started about having another event during the summer. Really almost as a joke, I pitched the idea of bracket drag racing. Everyone said to go for it! I thought these guys were insane! The Stuttgart Airforce conscription started, and that summer Shark Drag I came together. I believe that around the time O/S II rolled around, Tom got his website fired up, and later got us going in the Yahoo web group.
At any rate, that's what my faded memory seems to recall.
Tom adds: My recollection is this.
Adam started the who thing by setting up the very first Owners Showdown in Oct 99 and the subsequent Dyno Day in Feb of 2000. He and I started talking about how to get more people interested in the local stuff and also how to better manage the email list (the To: and Cc: boxes were getting quite full).
We decided that I would search the [928] registry (Dougs page) among other sources and compile a list to work off of. I took that further by the creation of the Temporary Pac NW 928 page (following Chris Ford's and Curt Nichols' lead) so we could post information and pics of the various goings on in the Pac NW group. I also took a cue from Phil Tong's site and set up a bulletin board for posting stuff too. This was short lived though as I saw the Sharks down under (Landsharks OZ) were hosting a better organized mailing list through E-groups [later changed to Yahoogroups. djs]. I did the same and subscribed everyone on our list (May of 2000). The response was great and we went from 35 originally to 90 today [January 2002. djs].
Adam set a precedent when he asked me to do Dyno Day II (Sept 2000) since I had assisted him during the one in Feb. He did this because he wanted to concentrate on the Showdown among other things. From that point on, others got involved and came up with their own ideas of events. The real beauty of the group is that we have people willing to step forward and take on the responsibility of organizing an event and the lengths people go to in attending these events. As you well know, the Spokane contingent has attended numerous events on this side of the mountains without so much as a second thought. Even what started out as post for an informal lunch time get together swelled into a huge party barbeque attended by a whole heck of a lot of people (even from Spokane ;-) ).
That's all I can think of for now.
If you have comments or suggestions, email davids@tower-mt.com
Modified 04/24/2002