Pacific NW 928 Owners - Dyno III

On March 3, 2001, the Pacific North West 928 Owners got together to put our cars onto the dynamometer at Austin's Pro-Max in Tacoma, WA.

I drove my '90 GT from Spokane to Puyallup Friday night with my two girls (Corrine, 9 and Rachel, 8). We then spent the entire day at the Dyno taking movies and still pictures.

Thanks to Tom Middleton for arranging a great event and for going back to retrieve our results. Enjoy!

Thanks to Don Grish for adding his photos to be included here.

David Schmidt

P.S. Be sure to check out the "Links" page and browse this CD to find directories containing the raw Dyno data (and viewing programs), JPG's of our runs, misc videos and pictures from past PacNW928 events.


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Please send e-mail to David Schmidt to provide feedback about this page. 

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This page last updated on 3/25/2001 11:51:04 AM.